Vision, Values, Aims and Objectives

VISION To provide a safe, happy learning environment in which individuals achieve, flourish and develop self confidence and respect for others.
The Values Tree is a guide for all stakeholders of the school to remember, learn and demonstrate our key values hat all link to ‘respect’.


We believe in a respectful environment where everybody shows kindness and tolerance. We strive to instil open-mindedness and acceptance through our actions and daily practice.


We believe in high expectations for our pupils to achieve their full potential. We aspire for our pupils to be independent members of society who are confident to take risks and succeed with individual challenge.


We believe that every pupil will have equal opportunities to access learning and be included in all aspects of school life; each pupil will be valued and treated as an individual and will have person-centred experiences.


We will support our pupils to understand their individual responsibility; to gain an understanding of their own actions and how their actions impact themselves and others.

Positivity and Perseverance

We believe in having a ‘can do’ attitude where pupils are encouraged and praised, and their achievements celebrated.


Every pupil will be given opportunities to develop confidence, independence and self-esteem in a positive, supportive and celebratory environment.


We believe in providing our pupils with a safe and caring environment where they can learn to understand themselves and those around them.


We believe that our pupils will be given the environment to have the courage, trust and role models to communicate their needs. We will support our pupils to be honest, true to their beliefs whilst having the courage to be truthful and the confidence to ask for help.

AIMS  We believe in delivering a curriculum that is stimulating, accessible and appropriate for all of our pupils. We believe all children should be educated in an inclusive community which provides appropriate opportunities to match individual needs. We believe in providing a friendly environment with effective relationships and communication within our school community. We believe in supporting effective team work between all staff and other professionals associated with our school. We believe in developing effective management of resources to ensure best value for money. We believe in providing a safe and secure environment for everyone.


OBJECTIVES  To offer a broad and balanced curriculum with appropriate resources for all of our pupils.

To have realistic expectations for all of our pupils determined through comprehensive assessment.

To ensure that all pupils are respected as individuals.

To excel in what we do and to celebrate everyone’s achievements.

To ensure a consistent approach to manage the learning environment.

To promote positive behaviour at all times.

To promote preparation for life by focusing on life and social skills.

To encourage everyone to be an active participant in their own learning.

To be receptive to and to share new initiatives and ideas.

To work effectively with mainstream staff to maximise appropriate integration opportunities.

To promote disability awareness within the community.

To promote racial equality within the community.

To develop effective links and make use of resources within the community.

To share our facilities with the community.

To offer our expertise to the community.

To work in partnership with parents to support the development of their child.

To create an environment where everyone’s contribution is valued.

To ensure effective communication between all members of the school’s community.

To encourage active participation by all members of the school’s community.

To provide an effective and constructive support network for all staff and other professionals that incorporates trust and time to celebrate.

To support all staff in their professional development.

To share expectations and responsibility for the whole school and its community.

To support each other for the good of the whole school.

To share expertise. knowledge. resources and information.To effectively monitor. evaluate and review our strengths as well as areas to developed.

To have an effective management team that is fair and approachable and shares in the leadership and management of the school.

To ensure that systems are in place to determine ‘best value’.

To have a strategic school development plan that is linked to the budget.

To fund raise.

To provide safe and secure premises. resources and appropriate training.

To provide clear guidelines for all Health and Safety issues.