Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers leader Rebecca Bradley

At Springfield School we have bespoke arrangements for managing access to information, providers, training providers, education and employment information. This complies with the school’s legal obligation under section 42B of the Education Act 1997. It also outlines our school policy on preparing students for their life beyond Springfield, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • How we prepare students to access the world of work
  • Further education
  • Apprenticeships

The aims of Springfield’s Work Related Learning Policy are:

  • To provide a relevant and engaging Work Related Learning curriculum that meets the differing needs of our pupils.
  • To ensure that all students gain the confidence, skills, knowledge and experience required to manage their own career progression.
  • To ensure pupils know where to look for opportunities and who to ask for assistance if required.
  • To give students an insight into the labour market and develop the key skills they need to access it
  • To provide impartial information on post-16 options
  • To ensure all pupils have access to a careers education that includes employability skills, self-awareness of their skills and interests, exploring options and an understanding of education, training and employment routes. This includes developing transferrable skills that are desired by employers such as teamwork, resilience, problem solving and CV writing skills
  • To enable pupils to make plans for the future, manage their transition and develop coping strategies to deal with the changes

Recording, monitoring and evaluation

The careers lead reviews our approach on an annual basis, checking what we offer against the Gatsby Benchmarks.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

Based on this, the careers lead creates an action plan to improve our provision. They use the online Compass career benchmark tool to support their analysis of our provision.

Provider Access Requests

Any providers wishing to request access to the school should contact the school office on: or call the school on: 01993.862.976. The information will be passed to the current careers lead who will then decide what is best to do with this e.g. sharing any literature with teachers and pupils, inviting them in to do talks, etc. The careers lead will ensure appropriate materials reach individuals and their families.

Springfield Policy – Careers and Provider Access