Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two follows a similar structure and focus to Key Stage One with communication, language and literacy (CLL), personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE), physical development (PD), Maths and, where appropriate, positive behaviour support being the main areas. Using a variety of teaching approaches to meet individual needs the development of CLL and PSHCE are of paramount importance in our curriculum.

Other subject areas (such as History, Geography and Art) are taught through themes, there are three themes each academic year and these are taught on a 4 year rolling program.

As with Key Stage One, integration is a key feature and our co-located site with Madley Brook provides opportunity to integrate on a regular basis, especially for special events such as Harvest, Christmas and Sports Day. Where appropriate individual integration with mainstream peers is encouraged and one of our themes each year is linked to Madley Brook to give additional integration opportunities.

We work hard to help pupils develop their own independence and use a range of techniques and programmes to help them grow in confidence and ability. These include; toileting programmes, food technology, community visits and general life skills, for example, dressing and use of money.

Pupils also engage in a wide range of activities both on site and in the community. These include swimming, trikes/bikes, PE and library sessions.

We are lucky to have a soft playroom on site that we use to help pupils work on their physical development and as a space to develop relationships within the class. Our well-equipped sensory room is used for a variety of activities including sensory stories, resonance boards, Tac Pac, light and dark work and sound beam.