Key Stage Four

The Key Stage 4 Curriculum has been developed within the framework of Springfield School’s Vision, Values and Aims. We aim to ensure that pupils are ready for leaving school, transition to further education, work and life as young adults. Through each area of the curriculum we aim to teach them:

  • to achieve as high a degree of independence as possible
  • to acquire, develop, practice, apply and extend their skills and understanding
  • to develop personal interests and capabilities

The Key Stage 4 Curriculum is delivered at our secondary school site, by using community facilities and through links with Abingdon and Witney College. The pupils are able to learn new skills, develop existing skills and also further understanding of previously learnt skills and knowledge in real life situations. We place particular emphasis on Personal, social, health and citizenship education in order to prepare pupils for life as young adults and to engender as much independence as possible.

  • Communication, Language and Literacy (CLL)
  • Application of Maths
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Physical Development
  • World Studies through our community and current affairs
  • Work related learning
  • Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) including; personal care, domestic skills, personal safety, social skills, using facilities in the community, sex and relationships education and food technology.


Pupils work towards Units from the AQA Unit Award Scheme across all areas of the curriculum. The units are chosen from the library available on the AQA website, or if no suitable units are available we are accredited to write our own. The units are chosen to match the needs and abilities of individual students. The scheme provides pupils with certificates to show the skills learnt and are a useful tool to show future placements and employers.

Where appropriate pupils can work towards entry level certificates in conjunction with the Wood Green Achievement Centre at Wood Green Secondary School.

Work Related Learning links to Careers opportunities.

This statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer.  This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Pupils in Years 8-11 are entitled to find out about the opportunities offered by local providers and have information on the full range of education and training options. This information is discussed at EHCP review meetings with a focus linked to specific outcomes for individuals. Pupils and their families have information on applying to different providers.

If you would like further information on work related learning, careers and Post 16 options of if you are a provider wishing to request access then please contact Assistant Head Teacher – at the secondary site 01993 706662.


Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme

The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Programme for Key Stage 4 is embedded within the curriculum. Pupils organise and take part in an annual expedition which may include an overnight stay, previous expeditions have included a local camping trip and an overnight stay at school.

Pupils also complete a volunteering section of the D of E Awards Scheme. Examples of volunteering have included running charity events, supporting the community (litter picking) and running an enterprise programme such as a Tuck Shop.

There is huge amount of value in a DofE Award to a young person. The personal and non-competitive nature of a DofE programme means that participants from different and diverse starting points can be equally proud of achieving a certificate based on their personal challenge and journey. Every section of a DofE programme gives young people an opportunity to be independent, self-sufficient and to be challenged as an individual.